Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Conclusion of year 2008

Today is the last day of year 2008...Soon we will enter to the new year 2009.Today many of my friends ask me go Sungei Wang to celebrate countdown but i rejected them because i nt feling well today..

Today Sungei Wang got celebration countdown.There are a lot of singers like Nicholas Teo,Edmund Leung from hong kong and other malaysian singers,plus later 12 am got firework at sungei wang and KLCC...

Im quite happy with this year although there was some incident and memories that make me very sad and unforgettable..still remember this year celebrate CNY with my friends in SDK..that was fun and i still remember that i get angpao from my mum and i was shocked because she gave me RM200...My mum is a stingy women and i asked her why gave me so much money and she said she win the special prize be4 CNY....haha thanks mummy.

Tomorrow we all will celebrate a grand new year 2009.“新的一年,新的开始”so hope everyone can forget those unhappy moments or things...start with a new hope in this year 2009..

finally i hearby wish all of my family,relatives n friends have a wonderful & prosperous year 2009.besides that also hope u all always happy and stay pretty n handsome..i stop here loh.take care yea...

Monday, December 15, 2008


静静地陪你走了好远好远连眼睛红了都没有发现听著你说你现在的改变看著我依然最爱你的笑脸连这条旧路依然没有改变以往的每次路过都是晴天想起我们有过的从前泪水就一点一点开始蔓延我转过我的脸 不让你看见深藏的暗涌已经越来越明显过完了今天 就不要再见面我害怕每天醒来想你好几遍我吻过你的脸 你双手曾在我的双肩感觉有那么甜 我那么依恋每当我闭上眼 我总是可以看见失信的诺言全部都会实现我吻过你的脸 你已经不在我的身边(虽然你不在我的身边)我还是祝福你过得好一点短开的感情线 我不要做断点只想在睡前 再听见你的 蜜语甜言

Sunday, December 14, 2008


Thursday, December 4, 2008

Recover from sick

Finally im back from sick...yesterday i was going to take the report becoz before that my body gt a lot of red dots and i was suspected by doctor that i have dengue..hehe...But nw im very recover n the doctor said my platelets is in normal condition.....i also wan to thanks for my friends that leave comment from blog,sms,msn n phone,but here i also wan to special thanks to her becoz she almost day give me a call...so touched...thanks Megan...

I know you nt very happy today so i hope this song can make smile always n hope everyone will enjoy n like this song also...this song is by JJLin n ah Sa(Charlene Choi)

我还在寻找 一个依靠和一个拥抱
谁替我祈祷 替我烦恼 为我生气为我闹

幸福开始有预兆 缘分让我们慢慢紧靠

然后孤单被吞没了 无聊变得有话聊 有变化了

小酒窝长睫毛 是你最美的记号

我每天睡不着 想念你的微笑

你不知道 你对我多么重要有了你生命完整的刚好

小酒窝长睫毛 迷人的无可救药

我放慢了步调 感觉像是喝醉了

终于找到心有灵犀的美好 一辈子暖暖的好 我永远爱你到老

幸福开始有预兆 缘分让我们慢慢紧靠
无聊变得有话聊 有变化了小酒窝长睫毛 是你最美的记号
我每天睡不着 想念你的微笑
你不知道 你对我多么重要有了你生命完整的刚好

小酒窝长睫毛 迷人的无可救药我放慢了步调 感觉像是喝醉了


我永远爱你到老WO~小酒窝长睫毛 迷人的无可救药我放慢了步调 感觉像是喝醉
终于找到心有灵犀的美好一辈子暖暖的好 我永远爱你到老

Tuesday, November 25, 2008


愛情能到80年 (Love can until 80 years)

Few days ago i was recieved an e-mail from my friend..it was meaningful and today im going to post it at my blog....


15 岁的时候,我说 :' 我爱你 '. 你的脸红得像火烧云,头深深地低着,摆弄著衣襟,你好像在笑。

20 岁的时候,我说我爱你,你把头靠在我的肩上,紧紧地挽住我的手臂,像是下一秒我就要消失一样。
30 岁的时候,我说我爱你,你笑着说: ' 你呀!要是真的爱我,就别下了班到处跑,还有,别再忘了我叫你买的菜!'
40 岁的时候,我说我爱你,你边收拾碗筷边无表情的嘟囔着:'行了,行了,快去帮孩子复习功课去吧!'
50 岁的时候,我说我爱你,你打着毛线头也不抬:'真的?你心里是不是巴不得我早点儿死掉。 '然后就咯咯咯地笑个不停。

60 岁的时候,我说我爱你,你笑着捶了我一下 ?怕羞的说: ' 死老头子 ! 孙子都这么大了,还贫嘴!

70 岁的时候,我们坐在摇椅上,戴着老花镜, 欣赏着 50 年前我给你的情书,我们布满皱纹的手又握在了一起,那时侯我说我爱你, 你深情地望着我, 你那已皱纹满面的脸仍是那么美丽.炉子上的开水咕嘟咕嘟地冒烟 , 温馨的暖意充满了整个屋子.....

80 岁的时候,你说你爱我。 我什么也没说,因为我流泪了,但是那是我人生最最快乐的日子, 因为你说出了那句 '我 -- 爱 -- 你"令我感动不已。

希望你们也能够做到也能够拥有这样一份相伴到老的爱情, 我想这样的人生真的也算很完美吧 , 不求不平凡但求真真实实 , 认认真真 , 放在手心里珍惜着 ,,真诚的祝福大家. (
hope you all will be able to do it and contain this eternity love, i think in our daily lives, this should be considered perfect one, doesn't need a unique one but rar reality.. keep this to yourself and appreciate that,, hereby best wishes for all of you)

Thursday, November 13, 2008


I would like to share this story to you all:

緣份 . . . >
到那一天, 未婚妻卻嫁給了別人.
書生受此打擊, 一病不起.
家人用盡各種辦法都無能為力,> 眼看奄奄一息. > 這時, 路過一游方僧人, 得知情況,> 決定點化一下他.
僧人到他床前,> 從懷裡摸出一面鏡子叫書生看. > 書生看到茫茫大海,> 一名遇害的女子一絲不掛地躺在海灘上. > 路過一人, 看一眼, 搖搖頭, 走了.... > 又路過一人, 將衣服脫下, 給女屍蓋上,> 走了.... > 再路過一人, 過去, 挖個坑,> 小心翼翼把屍體掩埋了............ > 疑惑間, 畫面切換. 書生看到自己的未婚妻.> 洞房花燭,> 被她丈夫掀起蓋頭的瞬間... > 書生不明所以. > > 僧人解釋道, 那具海灘上的女屍,> 就是你未婚妻的前世. > 你是第2 個路過的人, 曾給過他一件衣服.> 她今生和你相戀, 只為還你一個情. > 但是她最終要報答一生一世的人,> 是最後那個把她掩埋的人,> 那人就是他現在的丈夫. > 書生大悟, 唰地從床上做起, 病癒!
> 幾年前, 初戀的愛人去世時, 我痛不欲生. > 有朋友就找來這故事開導我, 讓我釋懷不少. > 也許, 她來到這個世界上,> 就是為了還我一片情吧.. > 她做完了她想做的事, 就走了. > 以後, 我都用這個故事開導身邊的朋友. > > 緣這個東西, 是最不可思議的. > 電影' 不見不散' 的主題歌這樣唱道: > > ' 這世界說大就大, 說小就小. > 就算是我們今生的約定,> 也要用一生去尋找....' > 緣分這東西不可強求. 該你的, 早晚是你的: > 不該你的, 怎麼努力, 也得不到. > 但無論任何時候, 我們都不要絕望. > 不要放棄自己對真, 善, 美的愛情追求. > > 人生的價值, 在某種意義上講,> 就是愛和被愛的成熟. > 當真愛來臨, 如果也就成熟了. > 隨緣............ >  隨意............ ... >   隨遇.......... >    隨喜........... > > 我很在乎你是我的朋友, 很珍惜很珍惜你.
懂得『珍惜、知足、感恩』,就擁有了生命滴光彩> 在我的內心裡,有著一份感覺.> 感動與感恩之情,> 在此時此刻腦海裡出現著你的影像,> 讓我也想要和你一起分享這一篇文章。

Sometimes fate is very mystery...When it comes to you then you must accept it..SInce we get it then we must appreciate and dun easliy let it go...if u lost it then you may have to wait loh....i hope tat you all can appreciate your fate....i already appreciate my fate..then how bout you all?


Monday, October 20, 2008



Today is 20th of October.Is my semester 1 result comes out.I was very nervous because this is my first time i get my result on my college life.After the english lesson,we have 2 and a half hour break and we decided to go computer lab and check our result after the breakfast.

As we finished our lunch,we are going there to check....1st i do not wish to check my result but under the forces by friends finally i take my encouragement to check my result.when i click the button "log in"....haha....here is my result

Engineering Science-----C (50-55)
Hubungan Etnik--------B+ (70-75)
Computer Studies------B+ (70-75)
Engineering drawing----C+(55-60)
Production Engineering-C- (45-50)
English Language-------B (65-70)

As a conclusion,i was feel very dissapointed because my Hubungan Etnik,Maths, and Computer Studies cant get an A...but for my Computer studies i quite satisfied because im a computer idiot....As my Production Engineering get C- therefore i need to resit this exam for this semester.....

Until now i still keep blaming myself if i can work harder then i should get A- for tat three subject and my gred will pull up but....haiz...wat to do now the result already cant change and hope that i can get better result for this semester...all of my friends very sympathetic about my result and they said i nt enough hardworking...haha....i also have no idea.

This semester's result was totally dissapointed me and hope can do it better for my 2nd semester and i will work more to get my Production Engineering more higher marks...sorry mum....i upset you again...

by 不孝子

Saturday, October 18, 2008














Wednesday, October 15, 2008



Today my class start at 12 pm and end at 6pm.It was very tired because last night i was watching the latest H.K drama <少年四大名捕> from 12am to 4 am.I was wake up at 10.25.haiz....i aslo dunno hw to said myself because nw my holiday already pass but i still sleep until 10 somethings.Haha.....i think as a college student must not have this kind of habits..

Before i attend the workshop pratical,there was another tutorial class(engineering mechanics and engineering science),i was having dinner in canteen 1.....when i was having my lunch,suddenly my freinds come and tricking me....this cause my food all fall down and i need to buy another plate...haiz.

My workshop pratical start at 2pm and we was divided to 4 group...my group this week need to do milling process.before we start milling process,our TAR college technician to give us briefting about the safety precaution and "do n doesnt" during the milling process.I take the workpiece and start my milling process.After half and hour finally i finish the milling process and i hand my workpiece.That technician said i enable to handle the mechine well and hope i can do so after i graduate from my mechanical engineering course.Haha...hope so.

The process of milling mechine on the workpiece

I was handling the milling machine.

This is my workpiece..haha.is it very shine?

After that i need to attend the Engineering Mechanics,i was very tired but still have to do so.My friend most of them are going back.They ask me but i rejected them because it's raining now.1st for the 10 minutes im still writing the notes that presentation but after that.....haha..it was my 1st time sleep at the lecture hall.The lecture hall was cold and makes me felt asleep for 1 hour.I was awaked by my friend because need to take attendence then he suggested me go back home sleep after that.We straight away went back home at 5.25 and finally i have finish my lesson today...
just nw my friend from electronic course said that today thier result already comes out and he pass it well.Next monday is my turn.haiz....Got a bit nervous and scare.Hope i also can pass it well.
I have to stop it here because i am very tired and need to rest.Hope god bless my result.Good night.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Thank You,Mr cheah

last friday i was going to my friend's house mr cheah house.Ah siah n i went to Station LRT at 5 pm and we are just need about 45 minutes to arrive to Kelana jaya.After we arrive there he drive his car to pick us...long time never meet him since in Sandakan on january...

After that he fetch us went back his home...wow what a beautiful house...then we enter his house and put our baggage to his room.He ask us wait for a while he prepare dinner for us...After 30 minutes,he ask ah siah and i come down to having dinner n when i was very impressed cheah's cooking skill because he can cook well.....so envy because i only how to cook an egg and some simple meal...haiz...when i can have his cooking skill?

After that cheah bring us to funfair with Eric and his girlfriend.We enjoy our moment thier around 2 hour and finally we back on 12.30.

After 2 days we stay at cheah house,ah siah and i decided come back to wangsa maju on today cause we need to continue our studies in college...he fetch us to Kelana Jaya Station and we leave there around 5.20 to went back home..Althought was tired but it was fun...

before i end it,i really wan to thanks my friend cheah cause he treat me so nice when i stay at his house.i hope that i can visit his house next time..hope he will always happy and stay healthy..


Saturday, October 11, 2008

1st word for my blog

Friend:"Moo,why dun you create a blog"

Moo:"haiz,very "sien"...always need to update the blog.beside that i do not have any free times since my new semester are very busy.
Friend:"i also busy but still can manage to update my blog every day.beside that blog not nessary update everyday..you can update anytime as long as you can manage the time to update"
1st i'm nt really willing to create but under encouragement of my friend....
Friend:"Moo,actually your english is not bad..but u still need a lot of improvement in your english."
Moo:"erm...okok...im going to create a blog and hope it will help me a lot in my english."
Haha..this is how is my 1st blog born in this world...
So nervous to writing this blog because this my 1st time to create a blog...Now i dunno what should i write but i will promise my "friend"to update my blog everyday and hope you all can support my blog but if my blog got any mistake please dun laugh at me...
I will post my things that happen arond me to this blog.....hehe that's all for my 1st blog and i hearby wish you all good luck and all the best in your studies...
before that i want to thanks to my "FRIEND" for your encouragement.Without you hw my 1st blog will born.