Wednesday, October 15, 2008



Today my class start at 12 pm and end at 6pm.It was very tired because last night i was watching the latest H.K drama <少年四大名捕> from 12am to 4 am.I was wake up at 10.25.haiz....i aslo dunno hw to said myself because nw my holiday already pass but i still sleep until 10 somethings.Haha.....i think as a college student must not have this kind of habits..

Before i attend the workshop pratical,there was another tutorial class(engineering mechanics and engineering science),i was having dinner in canteen 1.....when i was having my lunch,suddenly my freinds come and tricking me....this cause my food all fall down and i need to buy another plate...haiz.

My workshop pratical start at 2pm and we was divided to 4 group this week need to do milling process.before we start milling process,our TAR college technician to give us briefting about the safety precaution and "do n doesnt" during the milling process.I take the workpiece and start my milling process.After half and hour finally i finish the milling process and i hand my workpiece.That technician said i enable to handle the mechine well and hope i can do so after i graduate from my mechanical engineering course.Haha...hope so.

The process of milling mechine on the workpiece

I was handling the milling machine.

This is my it very shine?

After that i need to attend the Engineering Mechanics,i was very tired but still have to do so.My friend most of them are going back.They ask me but i rejected them because it's raining now.1st for the 10 minutes im still writing the notes that presentation but after was my 1st time sleep at the lecture hall.The lecture hall was cold and makes me felt asleep for 1 hour.I was awaked by my friend because need to take attendence then he suggested me go back home sleep after that.We straight away went back home at 5.25 and finally i have finish my lesson today...
just nw my friend from electronic course said that today thier result already comes out and he pass it well.Next monday is my turn.haiz....Got a bit nervous and scare.Hope i also can pass it well.
I have to stop it here because i am very tired and need to rest.Hope god bless my result.Good night.


Joy said...

you can do it well.. no worries~

Moomoo said...

thanks miss ti hui en..u too.take care yea..

ashley_san said...

moo moo~~

Moomoo said...

sorry,may i knw who is this?